
Monday, September 30, 2019

Of Mice and Men †5 Diary Entries Essay

We travelled from Weed today. God damn bus driver dropped us off ‘least 10 miles from the ranch and told me it was just down the road. God if I see that damn driver I’d break his neck. Me and Lennie found a nice place to sleep for the night. If Lennie hadn’t been so God damn stupid we’d still be up in Weed rollin in the cash but Lennie had to do somethin’ wrong didn’t he, dumb bastard, jst like he always does. Every thing was goin; O.K in Weed and I’ll be damned if we can find a better place than that to work at. I sure hope Lennie don’t go grabbin’ no other girls just to feel a damn dress. I’ll never be able to fix up a stake if that dumb bastard stays dumb forever. I love Lennie but it’s hard movin’ from ranch to ranch with him there all the time. I’ve told him if he gets in any more trouble to come back to this very spot in the brush. Lennie sure is stupid, earlier he was carrying a dead mouse just to pet it. I dont know what i’m gonna do with him every time he gets upset I have to tell him that dumb story about the house where we will have rabbits and an alfalfa patch and he can pet the stupid rabbits. Who knows maybe one day that dream might come true but I don see that day coming soon. Diary Entry 2 Me and Lennie met a few people today. There was this old guy called candy and he’s got a stinkin’ old dog. He’s quit a nice fella though he told me about Curley and his wife. I met Curley just a bit after that convisation with Candy, he came in asking for his wife. He had a go at Lennie for no god damn reason at all. Candy reckons it’s just coz Lennie’s bigger than him. Curly’s one of those small guys who hates big guys, but he better not pick on Lennie coz Lennie may be dumb but hell he’s strong as a bull Earlier I was angry with Lennie coz he spoke infront of the boss when i told him not to.I had to tell the boss a few lies because he realised that Lennie was dumb and the boss wanted to know if I was hangin’ round with him to take his pay check off him at the end of the month.I told him that me and Lennie were cousins so tha is why we hung round together, good job that ain’t true coz if I was any relation to Lennie i’d kill myself. I met a real nice guy today called slim. He introduced me to everyone workin’ at the ranch and he thought it was good to see two guys like me and Lennie hangin’ round together coz he said that you don’t often see two guys hangin’round together. Although I’m gettin’ on O.K at the ranch with all the other guys and stuff, I cant help thinkin’ about the chance of Lennie and Curley gettin’ into a fight coz Curley was real mean to Lennie earlier. If Curley tries to start a fight with Lennie then Lennie gonna have to smash him back. I know that Lennie would never mean to cause any trouble but if Curley starts i’m gonna let Lennie fight back coz guys like Curley need to be taught a lesson. I ain’t sittin’ back and watching Curley beat up Lennie coz that ain’t right. Curley’s wife worries me aswell coz Lennie really likes her and he could get into real trouble if he does somethin’ like in Weed. Candy told me that she always eyein’ all the guys up. The thing that really gets to me is that Curley’s wife might give Lennie the eye and he might do somethin’ stupid, I just hope he doesn’t. Diary Entry 3. Today Candy was listenin’ in on me and Lennie havin’ a chat, normally I don’t like people listenin’ in on me but Candy had somethin’ interesting to say. He wanted to join the little dream me and Lennie ‘ave got of gettin’ our own little place and land and a few crops an’ animals. He’s got $350 to help buy the land. Since he aint no harm and he’s probabally gonna die soon we decided to let him come. The dream that was just a dream is now comin’ to reality just coz that old man Candy. Im gonna get hold of those old people an’ tell ’em im gonna buy the house, at the end of the month we will have $450 and then I’d keep workin’ on the ranch to pay off the rest. One day soon we might just be able to do it. We couldd get the little place of our own with a few acres of land and crops to grow, and rabbits coz Lennie’s always on about how he will tend the rabbits. Of course most guys dont believe us bout the dream coz i bet they had dreams just like us and watched ’em fall apart loads of times. This whole idea of our own land has made Candy have a bit of hope, poor bastard, Carlson shot his dog last night to put it out of misery, I mean it was old, smelly & decrepid it was for the best. Slim offered him one of his new pups, Slim also gave a pup to Lennie which was really nice of him. Lennies pretty dumb and he loves petting things I hope he jus’ dont do nothin’ stupid like on our last job and blow the chances of the house. Diary Entery 4. I new somethin’ bout that Curley couldn’t help but pick a fight with Lennie. Lennie hadn’t done nothin’ wrong either, he was standin’ there smilin’, thinkin’ bout our dream an’ Curley came in the bunk house in a mood an’ seen Lennie laughin’ and he socked him right in the chops and hittin’ and hittin’ him, Lennie was jus’ standin’ there takin’ it. So I told Lennie to fight back so Lennie grabbed hold of Curley’s fist and started crushin’ it like a tin can, Curley was floppin’ like a fish, Lennie must of broke every bone in his damn hand. Thanks to Slim we shouldn’t get canned coz he made it pretty clear to Curley that if he told anyone how this happened he would say how easily Lennie crushed his hand. Curley agreed not to tell anyone, so hopefully all that is all settled. I thought that would of ended our chance of the dream. Diary Entry 5. I was right in what i did wasn’t I? If they caught Lennie they would strap him up in a cage in one of those nut houses. It was the right thing to do! If Curley had caught him he would of tortured him and made him die a slow death. Atleast when i shot him he was happy and peaceful thinkin’ about the dream and not scared. Now Lennies gone im gonna be just like any other ranch worker, lonely and without a loving friend, it’s gonna take me a while to come to terms with what i’ve done, killed my only and best friend. Me and Candy aint gonna carry on with the dream, theres jus’ no point Lennie was the life and soul of the dream now he’s gone so has the dream. No doubt Candy will be upset and miserable but there ain’t nothin’ I can do about that. Slim and Carlson took me for a drink and told me that it wasn’t my fault and that I had to do it, I guess they’re right after all it was me or Curley and I ain’t lettin Curley touch Lennie. I probably gonna move on to a different ranch and carry on workin’ somewhere else alone.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sports as a Tool of Integration

INTRODUCTION What is sport? According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. The meaning of â€Å"sport† is , activity that you do for pleasure and that needs physical effort or skill, usually done in a special area and according to fixed rules. Through Wikipedia, sport is all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical fitness and provide entertainment to participants. Sport may be competitive, where a winner or winners can be identified by objective means, and may require a degree of skill, especially at higher levels. Hundreds of sports exist, including those for a single participant, through to those with hundreds of simultaneous participants, either in teams or competing as individuals. Some non-physical activities, such as board games and card games are sometimes referred to as sports, but a sport is generally recognised as being based in physical athleticism. What is integration? According the same Dictionary , the meaning of â€Å"integration† is, the act or process of combining two or more things so that they work together (=of integrating them) . Internet shows â€Å"Integration† (from the Latin integer, meaning whole or entire) generally means combining parts so that they work together or form a whole. * It is an act or instance of combining into an integral whole. * It is an act or instance of integrating a racial, religious, or ethnic group. * It is an act or instance of integrating an organization, place of business, school, etc. SPORTS as a tool of INTEGRATION More than just being about discipline and confidence, games bring the people together regardless of their background. SPORTS are all forms of physical activities that contribute to fitness, mental well-being and social interaction. They include play, recreation, organised casual or competitive sports as well as indigenous sports and games. By their very nature, sports essentially denote participation. They are about inclusion and citizenship. Sports activities bring individuals and communities together, highlighting commonalities and bridging cultural or ethnic divides. The easy and inherent ability of sports to bring people ogether make them a powerful communication tool. Sports provide a forum to learn skills such as discipline, confidence and leadership and core principles such as acceptance, cooperation and respect. Sports expound the value of effort and how to manage victory as well as defeat. The fundamental elements of sports make them a viable and practical tool to support the achievement of nation development. Taking part in activities will also help reduce the likelihood of many diseases a rising from a sedentary and inactive lifestyle. Sports programmes are effective tools for social mobilisation, supporting health activities and they can provide employment and contribute to local development. They encourage volunteerism and can be utilised to spearhead non-governmental changes and transformation initiatives. Sports can cut across barriers that divide societies, making them a powerful tool to support conflict prevention and peace-building efforts. When applied effectively, sports programmes promote social integration and foster tolerance, help reduce tension and generate dialogue. The concept of â€Å"Sports for All† is central to the understanding of sports. This concept aims to maximise access to and participation in appropriate forms of physical activities. Emphasis is placed on participation and accessibility for all groups in society regardless of gender, age, ability or race. Many of the core values inherent in sports are compatible with the principles necessary for development and peace, such as fair play, cooperation, sharing and respect. The life skills learned through sports help empower individuals and enhance psycho-social well-being such as increased resilience, self-esteem and connection with others. These features of sports are beneficial to people of all ages but they are especially vital to the healthy development of young people who will inherit positions of power and responsibility in government organisations. Sports are valuable tools to initiate social development and improve social cohesion, especially when implemented among young people. When social and personal skills are combined, sports can be an effective medium to intervene in a person’s ability to decide whether to abuse or not abuse drugs. This is especially true when elements of sports are combined with mechanisms and structures providing drug-related information and life-skills training. Sports can tackle causes of juvenile crime by helping youths make positive connections with adults and their peers, by integrating them into constructive activities within society and by providing useful activities. Besides , sports can be an effective tool for empowering girls and women, given that they are often excluded from participation and from enjoying its physical and psycho-social benefits. By directly challenging and dispelling misperception about women’s capabilities, integrated sports programmes help to reduce discrimination and widen women’s role. Last but not least , sports can integrate persons with disabilities into society, providing an arena for positive social interaction, reducing isolation and breaking down prejudices. Sports programmes for the disabled are also cost-effective methods of rehabilitation. They are highly therapeutic, improving motor skills and increasing mobility, self-sufficiency and self-confidence. The benefits are indeed tremendous and ideally sports can extend to previously unchartered territories of endeavours and manage human conflicts. Sports will continue to serve human development. What is â€Å"SPORT FOR ALL/ELITISM† The twin concepts of Sport for all (where everyone is encouraged and has the opportunity to take part in the sport of their choice, irrespective of any social or cultural differences such as wealth, gender or age) and Sporting excellence (where the very best performers are given additional support so that they may reach international success) can effectively be shown in the framework of a performance pyramid. There are four level: At foundation level – young children are introduced to sport and learn basic movement skills and a positive attitude to physical activity through a wide variety of activities, possibly through their schools pe programme. At participation level – youngsters choose to take part in selected activities for enjoyment and friendships, as well as for health and fitness. This may be through extra-curricular school activities, local centres and clubs. At performance level – participants are committed to performing in formally organised activities at higher club and regional levels. They are keen to improve their standard, train regularly and receive coaching. At excellence level – elite performers represent their country in national and international competition. They will be fully committed to their sport, and will, in some cases, train full time and receive financial, administrative, medical and personal support. The Sport for All campaign was launched in the UK in 1972 by the Sports Council. The Sports Council was, and remains, the catalyst and throughout, the on-going campaign has encouraged partners and organisations to join the campaign. In this way governing bodies of sport, local authorities through their leisure and amenity committees, local sports councils, sports centres and clubs have joined to promote what they have to offer. Aims: * Increase the rate of participation. * Improve performance at all levels. * Establish and reinforce the principle that the provision of opportunity to participate in sport and physical recreation is a social service. * Promote the concept that regular physical activity is beneficial to health. * To improve the quality of life. Objectives: The promotion of sport within target groups of non-participants. * The promotion of excellence in support of the governing bodies of sport. * Targeting inner city and areas of social deprivation. * Attracting sponsorship and financial investment in sport. * The reduction of coronary heart disease. * Opening up of natural resources, such as rivers, lakes, reservoirs, countryside, coastal areas, hills and mountains for recreational use. Sport in Oly mpics (example) Sports have been bringing people from all over the world together since the first Olympics in Greece many years ago. Sports bring people a since of accomplishment but more importantly, unity. When playing a sport, whether it is with multiple people or by yourself, you have to be able to communicate with team members and coaches. If you are playing the sport by yourself, chances are you have a coach there at your side somewhere. Communication is extremely important when it comes to unity. It allows you to tell your other players or coach what is going on in a particular game situation in order to play as the game well. In a team setting, you know your team is unified when there is trust on the field or court. You have to be able to trust your teammate will make the important catch to get you the first down or trust in your teammate to score the winning basket to win the championship. Sometimes you get the important super star on your team yet your team cannot win. It is because his/her players cannot communicate with him/her and therefore they cannot trust him. This team lost the game before they ever started because without trust talent means nothing. Trust brings unity and is the key to winning games. Additionally, sports have created unity amongst small towns, big cities, and nations all over the world. When certain events such as the Olympics or the World Cup are played people will gather at the event, in a bar or at a friend’s house draped in their nation’s flag or wearing their favorite team’s colors. Without unity sports wouldn’t be any fun and no one would play them. Conclusion In conclusion, the information above show sports as a tool of integration. There are many of examples proved sports bring unity. For example, Olympics or the World Cup games are well-known events in the world which have the same the A. G. O (Aims, Goals, Objectives) are to unite the human all around the world. Besides that, the â€Å"Sport for All† campaign is also a big well-known event in the world. It promotes sport for all the human being to participate sport. Throughout this event, human from all around the world can gather together to play games or sports. As a result, integration of human formed indirectly. In Malaysia, sports have a function as a tool of integration too. The held of SUKMA( SUKAN MALAYSIA) and MSSM (MAJLIS SUKAN-SUKAN SEKOLAH MALAYSIA). These two national sports events bring all the Malaysian together to enjoy the event and to play the games together without looking at the races and religion.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cable Based Television †Retaining Customers

Cable Based Television – Retaining Customers The industry of communications has grown exponentially during the past years allowing cable and satellite television companies to capture a large piece of the market. According to the National Cable & Telecommunications Association cable television was introduced since the late 1940’s in the USA while satellite TV was introduced in the early 90’s. According to the Television Bureau of Advertising (tvb.org) Cable television has lost significantly part of its market share to the newly introduced Satellite TV providers. According to research by Nielsen Company reported by tvb.org in February of 1999 the percentage of TV per household receiving cable television was at 70% while 9.1% came from any form of Satellite receivers while in July of 2009 only 62.2 % belonged to cable transmission while 28.6% to satellite receivers. This data is somehow alarming to cable companies all around. Even though they still remain as a top provider they have lost a significantly share of the market over a rather short period of time. This calls for action from the cable companies to analyze and evaluate new strategies to retain customers and eventually gain back the customers lost. This situation might change depending on the providers of the services, also affecting other things such as quality of the service, installation processes, prices and even customer services. While Satellite providers started appealing to a higher income percentage of the population now they are working their way down the income latter to appeal with better prices and bundles. The present marketing plan aims to draw a clear strategy that will start locally in the area of Tampa and surrounding cities. If the implementation is effective then it shall be replicated to all the other states and cities were the company in question, Bright house Networks, works as a Cable provider. Having in mind that cable is something that people can definitely live without, it is a harder task to preserve the nee d especially during rough times as perceived by the public in general. With the introduction of technology the addition of internet service provider to the cable companies has been a very smart way to create an increased need for the services and the effect of this shall be explored within the marketing plan, including the differences between the different services offered by the satellite TV and Cable TV providers which are often a deal breaker when deciding to stay or change companies. Company Overview Bright house Networks is a cable provider company established in 1994, it was merged with Warner Cable and other local cable providers to form the new company with new goals in mind and definitely different managerial styles. According to Bright House Networks, LLC Company Profile on Yahoo Finance it has over 2 million subscribers in the areas of Alabama, California, Florida, Indiana, and Michigan. Recently, Bright House Networks ranked highest in customer satisfaction for the fourt h year in a row by J.D. Power and Associates for Home Phone and for the delivery of High Speed Internet in the South Region. (Brighthouse.com/company overview) The company has a very important presence in Tampa and surrounding cities. It is the main cable provider in the area offering also other services such as high speed internet and telephone services which they cater to both households and business alike.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Relationship Between Smoking and SelfEsteem Essay

The Relationship Between Smoking and SelfEsteem - Essay Example In "Relationship Between Self-esteem and Smoking Behavior Among Japanese Early Adolescents (1999)," the authors define self esteem as "an evaluative term that reflects a persons perceptions about his or her personal characteristics and abilities" (p.1). In keeping with this definition, it is appropriate to discuss the ways that "self perception" is most unstable and negative during adolescence. Because this is the case, many studies focus specifically on self-esteem and its influence on one's decision to smoke during adolescence. Because studies have adequately demonstrated that long term smoke use often starts in the teen years, it is appropriate to focus on adolescent smokers and on why they were initially drawn to the habit, even with the understanding of its health risks and taboo-like nature. Although my own research will seek to demonstrate the connection between low self-esteem and smoking in college students rather than adolescents, it still remains relevant to explore the re asons why individuals initially take up smoking. Typically, these are many of the same reasons that these same individuals continue to smoke, and so this research will remain relevant through these same individuals' college years, giving way to my own research, which seeks to prove this connection among college students. So, given these reasons, this paper specifically explores smoking and self-esteem in adolescence in terms of the correlation between low self-esteem and initially starting to smoke. In their article, authors' Kawabata, Cross, Nishioka, and Shimai (1999) echo this idea when, after conducting in depth studies about self esteem and smoking, they report that, "One of the most important findings from this study is that self-esteem may be a factor associated with the initiation of smoking among early adolescents of both genders" (p.4) Many studies have proven that low self-esteem is linked to several risk taking behaviors. Perhaps this is because, as authors Luhtanen and Crocker (2005) state, "Low self-esteem is associated with negative emotions which may lead to behaviors that offer an escape from self awareness" (p.1). Like alcohol, drugs, and other types of addictions, smoking often offers adolescents an escape from the pressures that life inevitably brings during the difficult teenage years. Clearly, when an adolescent is dealing with issues such as self image, depression, stress, and low self worth, he or she is going to have less of a problem entertaining the idea of something that might be hazardous to their health. At this point, he or she is worried about issues that seem larger than the dangers of smoking and addiction. Specifically, if the smoking offers them some kind of solace from the world they are fighting with, of course they will be inclined to take the immediate escape. They are not thinking of long term consequences, but rather of the temporary feeling of relief that the cigarette can offer them. Of course, this type of thinking can become dangerous because there is no concern with potential dangers and/or consequences. It is simply immediate gratification that is sought. The idea is that perhaps if an adolescent was taught to value him or herself more, and led to have higher self worth, then this dangerous

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The effect of illegal immigration on the U.S. economy Term Paper

The effect of illegal immigration on the U.S. economy - Term Paper Example A nation without borders is not a nation and this country has been losing control of the borders for many decades, losing prosperity, security and autonomy along with them. One of the most important issues of the White House and Congress should be securing the borders, but homeland security is all but non-existent. This is a complex problem that is not being solved by the congressmen, who continuously fail to act in the country’s best interests. The massive numbers of illegal aliens pouring across mainly the southern border has and continues to cause substantial economic, social and physical harms to legal citizens. These harms occur predominantly to those who are among the most vulnerable segments of the population: minorities, children and the poor. The fundamental reason for the flood of immigration from Latin America, specifically Mexico, is the disintegration of the Mexican economy predominantly resulting from free-trade strategies employed by the North American Free Trad e Agreement and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The rampant corruption within the Mexican government has also contributed significantly to the collapse of the Mexican economy. â€Å"Due to IMF policies regarding Mexico, its economic output dropped 33 percent in the past two decades† (Small, 2005). During this period, its foreign debt rose 359 percent because of widespread looting of the national coffers. These factors caused the â€Å"collapse of all areas of productive economic activity and employment, is the primary driver of the flood of emigrants desperate to leave Mexico, to find some livelihood for themselves and their families in the United States† (Small, 2005). It has been estimated that the added cost to the federal government will be more than $15 billion per year when the present illegal aliens become citizens and begin collecting welfare benefits. The proposed bill will add greatly to this number because it will encourage a new surge of low skilled workers through its guest worker program. Traditionally, immigrants to the U.S. were less likely than those born in America to collect welfare. This historic arrangement has radically changed over the past three decades. Today, immigrant families are at least 50 percent more likely to receive federal benefits than those born in this country. Additionally, immigrants are more likely to adapt their lives to rely on the welfare system and studies have shown the longer immi ­grants stay in the U.S., the more likely they are to be on welfare. To further aggravate the situation, when an illegal immigrant becomes a citizen, he can legally bring his parents who also have the right to become citi ­zens. The estimated long-term cost of overall federal benefits could exceed $50 billion per year for the parents of the 10 million beneficiaries of amnesty. Approximately half of current illegal immigrants do not possess a high-school level education. Welfare use among this group and for low-sk ill immigrants granted amnesty is three times the rate for the U.S. born citizens. Over the past two decades, about 10 million people who do not possess a high-school diploma have entered the country and predictably end up on welfare. (Rector, 2006). Illegal immigrants receive more from public monies than they contribute which lowers the standard of living for legal citizens. Illegal immigrants contribute greatly to the overall population growth and health care, education and employment are the most impacted. Salaries are driven down by illegal immigrants willing to work for much less while their children, illegal and legal, overcrowd the schools. It’s the U.S. taxpayer who is sent the bill for their health care services as well. In addition, the large influx of illegal aliens

Movie reflection Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflection - Movie Review Example His perceived knowledge in social structures, including interactions with the minority groups, have enabled competencies to survive, and to assist the Hmong community, who he happens to reside within the same neighborhood. These diversity issues, especially contending with the Hmong gangs and characters who were generations’ younger, impact society in terms of communicating the need to effectively apply appropriate interventions when interacting with them. As observed, knowledge and experience were plus factors in preventing conflicts or chaos to ensue. In addition, skills developed through life were recognized as crucial factors to assist younger generation to learn and cope with challenges in life; especially when the members of the younger generation are also members of a minority group. Likewise, as evidenced from the Hmong community, despite being recipients of racial overtures, they manifested resilience and strength to survive and assimilate in the American culture. The impact of these behavior could be positive (adaptation and adjustment) or negative (creating chaos through gangs and criminal activities), which need more focused social, legal, and political interventions through stricter legislations, as

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

MGT599 - Strategic Management, Mod 4 Case Assignment Essay

MGT599 - Strategic Management, Mod 4 Case Assignment - Essay Example It should adopt such strategies which will help it in developing the business in accordance with the prevailing market conditions. The strategies will aid the company to retain more customers as well as provide improved quality services. Introduction Southwest Airlines is identified to be a carrier company in the United States of America which is known for its cheap fares. Headquarter of the airline company is learnt to be located in Dallas, Texas. It operates over 3,300 flights each day as well as engages over 37,000 employees in the company. It provides its services in almost 37 states. The company is famous for its cheap fares as well as quality services provided to the customers (Southwest Airlines, 2012). The company follows the strategy of offering efficient services to the customers at a cheap rate. It operates with a cost leadership strategy which enables the company to offer better services to its customers. Thesis Statement The purpose of this paper is to bring out the stra tegy adopted by the company for enhancing its profits as well as services. It will also help in comprehending the strategic choices that will further develop the performance of the company. Main Body The airline company practices the strategy of cost leadership which signifies that it provides quality carrier services at an economical rate. It aids the company in competing with its contenders in terms of low prices as well as the degree of quality of the provided services. The low or affordable fares facilitate the company to attain a competitive edge and maintain a dominant position in the industry in comparison to its competitors. This strategy also assists the company in earning more profits (BCIT School of Business faculty, n.d.). A SWOT analysis will be conducted to gain a comprehension regarding the effectiveness of cost leadership strategy with regard to the company. The SWOT analysis will aid in understanding the core competency of the strategy which has been primarily adopt ed for raising the degree of performance of the concerned company as well as for increasing its profits. Strengths: The airline company provides quality services at an affordable price which helps it to improve the performance as well as profits. This particular strategy makes it possible for the company to attain competitive advantage against its competitors. It is supposed to be quite a popular airline carrier in the relevant industry (Shahzad Trading & Consulting FZE, n.d.). Weaknesses: The company offers its services at reasonable prices which restrict it from developing innovative ideas with regard to improving its performance. In order to maintain low cost benefits, the company would require making investments on a continuous basis (Shahzad Trading & Consulting FZE, n.d.). Opportunities: Cost leadership acts as a vital opportunity for the company as it helps in earning increased profits and offer quality services. This strategy has aided the company in retaining increased cust omers as well as ensuring business growth (Shahzad Trading & Consulting FZE, n.d.). Threats: The cost leadership strategy adopted by the company may pose a threat by reducing the competitiveness of the company in comparison to the brand loyalty and recognition of its competitors. The company is also likely to face greater degree of threats from other airline companies which are also known

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Describe how your place of business uses different forms of Essay - 1

Describe how your place of business uses different forms of communication - Essay Example I work for Wal-Mart, a company dealing with processing and sale of grocery products across the country. Communication is crucial in the purchases and sales department as it enables fast procurement of raw materials and capital goods. Additionally, good communication allows management of inventory in all company’s retail outlets and delivery of the processed goods to customers. The most prominent form of communication used in this department is oral communication. It involves calling via the cell phone to make queries and helps in resolving misunderstandings that are frequent in the department (Chaturvedi 47). Also, one can speak directly to the members of staff in charge of any operation in the company. When procuring raw materials, I usually call via the phone to request for certain materials before placing a detailed purchase order in the supplier’s inventory. Written communication is another form of communication that is commonly used in the department. Paper-based communications give a clear message that can be filed in the offices (Chaturvedi 48). With the advanced technology, we usually draft papers in a digital format and send them via e-mail to the intended recipient. In the department, purchases orders are sent to the suppliers via e-mail, as well as, the details of the materials required together with their specifications. In response, the different suppliers send delivery notes to the department in the event of delivering materials. Written messages are sent to customers informing them that their invoices have been received. Face-to-face communication is also applied in the department operations as it enables clear understandings among the parties involved. Speaking directly to someone saves time and reduces subsequent communications especially when there are organizational conflicts. When customers complain of delivery of broken or substandard goods they are advised to visit the premises for a talk with the manager. Meeting

Monday, September 23, 2019

Contemporary Architectural Design and Property Development Essay

Contemporary Architectural Design and Property Development - Essay Example In general, a religion means a strict, unwritten code of essential rules (including morals and traditions) established by humans in order to control social life of their society. Vastu and Feng-Shui is a part of old traditions and culture of Chinese and Indian societies. In a time, they became popular in all Asian countries. Both of the concepts refer to the science of planning buildings, travelways, and graves such that they will get maximum benefits and minimum damage from the 'the cosmos'. More specifically, Feng-Shui addresses wind, water, and other natural forces. "Natural forces" in this case include good and bad luck, which are explicitly compared to wind. The idea of both approaches is that inhabitants of a well-sited home, or descendants of someone buried in a good gravesite, can expect wealth, sons, status, and security to flow to them. Rajgopal (2002) explains: The rebirth of Vastu Shastra parallels contemporary spiritual movements arising all over the world that seek to connect with a higher energy, draw closer to the mysteries of the universe, and contribute to a major paradigm shift (p. 33). However, focally, Vastu and Feng-Shui in... s a true folk science, as recognized by the first Western observer to comment extensively on it and by many Chinese and Westerners since Vastu and Feng-Shui also involve an emotional response to landscapes (Freeman, 2005). In India, excellent work is being done which shows not only that modem architecture can be given a worthy landscape setting, but also that it may soon be possible to find landscape architects who can deal imaginatively with the vast new opportunities created for them by modern town and country planning. But no large body of recognizably modern landscape architecture exists, and in only a few countries is there a strong school of designers (Pegrum, 2000). In modern Asian (and Indian) architecture the two great motive forces of the modern movement are on the one hand the new opportunities being created by technical and social progress and on the other the new structural techniques. In landscape architecture new opportunities are certainly being created, but the technique of garden construction is still fundamentally the same as it was in the eighteenth century. "The three main principles of Veda are right orientation, right placement, and right proportion" (Rajgopal, 2002, p. 34). Even the invention of modern earth-moving machinery, which may seem revolutionary, has in fact merely accelerated and cheapened processes which were used by old builders. Rajgopal (2002) explains that: The reason for da Gama's consternation was that all buildings constructed in Kerala, regardless of the faith of their inhabitants, were built according to the principles of Vastu Shastra by takshagans-- skilled craftsmen-carpenters well versed in the ancient science (p. 34). Today, in Vastu and Feng-Shui, in spite of the advance of science and the discovery of new plants,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Boston Matrix - Refresher Essay Example for Free

Boston Matrix Refresher Essay According to those two figures and based on some sales figure from Unilevers marketing department, it is clear that most of its products are in the maturity stage and Cash-Cow products except for some new products which are undergoing the introduction stage or growth stage because there are many similar new products which are developed in China and focusing on Chinese consumer. The annual sales figure appear that, in personal care sector, its products have been kept in a slightly increase or decrease lever and tend to grow to a stable maximum level. However, because of in the huge market, the amount of sales normally is significant. This situation, therefore, could be effective for Unilever China run and maintain its business owing to the enormous cashflow. It also contributed to launching Unilevers sixth Research and Development (R D) Laboratory in China, 2000 in order to meet the everyday needs of the Chinese consumer and develop more products for the Chinese market. Facing the pressure form not only another large firm P G but also a lot of local booming manufactures, Unilever China has adopted a lot of effective measures in order to compete with them. For instance, frequent products promotion with the purpose of offering more profits to the customers and keeping the lower price. In addition, in order to maintain the awareness of brands, Unilever launches a lot of brilliant advertisements by using many famous pop stars in every season. Commentary on the three underlying systems: Technical, People, Economic (including: Organisational use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) A. Technical When I was working in ChinadotCom corporation Shanghai branch, I had had a lot of opportunities of communicating with IT staff of Unilever China. According to the information which I have gained form them, it is clear that if there was no supporting from Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), possibly, all of its business and management would be out of control. ICT plays a significant role of management in lots of successful western firms as well as in Unilever. Thus, when Unilever re-entered China in 1990, it also brought some advanced management systems especially Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software which it had already operated in most of its subsidiaries into Unilever China. Throughout six years development, based on original ERP system, Unilever China has been building a brand-new Management Information System (MIS) which is different between the common MIS during current years. This new MIS concentrates in generating and analysing date source which forwards to provide efficient reports rather than the function of information communication. Unilever China has launched a number of separated information systems such as Dealer Management System (DMS), Sales Information System (SIS) and Supplier Management System as well. All of them have integrated with MIS through ERP in order to offer standard data source. Moreover, it has planned to launch a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system owing to maintain high proportion of royalty among its consumers. As we know, most multinational companies adopt single united globe standard for their IT equipments including hardware and software as well as Unilever. It should be easy and effective for the companies to manage and maintain the whole systems for example, once any engineer of Unilever turns on any PC of Unilever, there would be the same operation system and application software in the PC. However, for Unilever China, this situation could lead to some problems when it would like to merge other companies. It also has cost Unilever China much money and labour to integrate all the different systems which the fourteen joint ventures had been used, when it was carrying out the two revolutions. B. People In a world where technologies and markets are speedily changing, as well as in China, both local knowledge and globe proficiency have been required to deeply understand and meet the complex needs of the 150 million customers who choose Unilevers products everyday. It is very important, therefore, for Unilever China to make its employees localising as possible as it could. At its beginning stage, Unilever China had employed more one hundred foreign staffs including managers and professionals. Although they had more working experience and good management approaches, there still had been some disadvantages of this state. Firstly, it had led to the high cost of labour because Unilever should pay nearly six times more than employing local people. Secondly, most of foreign staffs, they had not had enough knowledge of Chinese economy environment. This might provide some wrong decisions in both marketing and manufacture areas. Finally, because they had been so proud of their characters and positions, they tended to be difficult to communicate with local people. All in all, thus, Unilever China has modified its mind to reduce the number of foreign staffs and offer more opportunities to local employees. (Unilever China, 2001) In every recent year, Unilever China has sent numbers of its local managers abroad to practise for senior positions in their own countries. Its target of 95 percent local management in China includes five percent of local managers who are also working overseas at any given time. On the other hand, in purpose of reducing the cost of workforce, Unilever China decided to cut down the number of workforce in Shanghai which is in the highest level of working payment in China, and move its manufactures to the lower cost place. C. Economic Inside Unilever China, the significant motive of two revolutions is to decrease their working expenditures and utilise all the business resource efficiently. The production lines of most its products such as shampoo and shower are quite similar including the raw material as well. There had been several same production lines among the fourteen joint ventures, before Unilever China re-structured them. In addition, the waste also happened to the IT departments, administration department and supporting department. Once Unilever China had held a new joint venture, it had had to build an individual business system for it. It seems to be more efficient and having more abilities of competition, when the two revolutions have been accomplished. Furthermore, the changes also facilitate Unilever to concentrate its brands in order to meet the needs of different markets. For instance, in Shanghai which is the huge developed city in China, its key products are in the personal care and wash area including Lux, Dove, Hazeline and Ponds. Due to the changing of Chinese government economy policy, China is going to be more open for the foreign companies. As a result that China has joint World Trade Organisation (WTO), more foeign companies will enter China. Most local manufactures tend to become stronger because they will have more chance to gain the advanced management approaches and learn the business skills by competing with more foreign companies. They also could the big challenge to the Unilever China. Another purpose of its changes, thus, is to maintain its leader position in China. Since these changes, Unilever China becomes more flexibility because it clearly to allocate its business targets to three groups. Every group has its own responsibility of manufacturing and selling particular products. Thus, both of them could be the professional in their own economical environment. Discussion of management activities and approaches (including typical errors) Until this section, it seems that there has been no obvious evidence which could show that Unilever China has made some clear mistakes of management so far. However, there might be no completely perfect result once you have accomplished some changes. In the short-term, we could regard it as more positive than negative but no one could image the future. Also, before the two revolutions happened, there had been some typical management errors which Unilever China had made. Inside most of joint ventures in China, there are two different manager teams: one group of them are assigned straight by foreign companies; another are the people who have already worked in the companies which are going to co-operate with the foreign companies. However, both of them have the responsibilities of managing the new companies which we exactly classify as Chinese-foreign joint ventures in China. Thus, because of different working background in different economics system, these two manager teams provide two different management styles. For the managers who have been worked in Unilever world group for a period of time, because of underlying the western developed management theory, their management approach could be considered as Proactive Positive. The management approaches have been argued and developed by a lot of western researchers for a long time. Those effective management approaches, such as team work, business culture and management information system, have been widely utilised in Unilever. This also could contribute good forecast of marketing and sales, efficient decision making and powerful capability of competition. Those advantages could be clearly embodied in the two revolution of Unilever China. In particular, in order to avoid more waste of resource, Unilever China terminated some business in 2002 in Shanghai and transferred them to the low cost place which was in HeFei. During this process, certainly, it should deal with the loss of re-investment and high risk of changing. Nevertheless, due to some typical management errors which it had made at the beginning of re-entering China, it has had to change its temporal situation. The typical mistakes could be Market Share wars and The big project. The evidences of these errors could be discovered by some investigation in its process of growth. For instance, only in a decade, it had constructed fourteen joint ventures in China to take the leader position of Chinese market and compete with P G. Following its step, P G China also carried out some measures which might beat its challenge. Finally, that lead to both of these two firms had to reduce their products price in order to obtain more market share. Those fourteen joint ventures had caused numerous waste of fix assets, labour and operation cost.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Digital Forensic Methodology and Strategy

Digital Forensic Methodology and Strategy Introduction Digital forensic can be described as the cyber security mostly used to secure to identify, preserve, analyze and present digital data evidence in the manner it will be legally accepted   in any legal process. Digital forensic is mostly applied in recovering that involves investigation of materials on a digital media platform and network. (Britz, 2013 ) This forensic uses the method of scientific research  Ã‚   where the evidence is mostly grounded on the fields of forensic science. The certification of the forensic science requires a code of conduct of neutral and decent approaches to examinations.   This digital forensic has a good history since it was discovered by the original people who saw the need to protect the data in any digital gadget. It is estimated to be over 40 years old with the first gadget making the first show up around 1970. This was due to a demand made by the community to the court of law. The first claim was about finance which was done using a computer. The hackers used the computer to steal money hence there was a need to come up with a strategy.   The hacking does not only involve stealing but also getting access of the information from a computer without the authority from the owner. In 1980s, training courses for digital forensic were developed aimed at equipping the learner with the knowledge of forensics. Organizations such as Certified Fraud Examiners, High Technology Crime Investigational Associations (HTCIA) among other digital forensic companies were formed to deal with those frauds. (Britz, Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime, 2010) Currently, there are so many courses in the universities to offer degrees in the fields such as computer forensics and also digital investigations. In those early days, forensic tools like MACE and Norton came up with the basic resurgence abilities such as unformat and undelete, the investigation was under individual stationed in a specific workstation. (Janczewski, 2010) Today some software have been formed to do the same and effectively. Government has come up with the standardization of the same as from 1984. On the same year, the FBI came up with a structured body, Computer Analysis Response Team (CART), assigned with the responsibility of examining the evidence as per the law. Digital forensic methodology Obtaining authorization for investigation. There first methods involve getting authority so as one can start the investigation. This is so because nobody can allow one to enter into another without permission, once the permission is granted, the investigations kick off. The person mandate to do the investigation must be experienced with the full knowledge of the forensic investigation and examining. The investigation will be carried out clearly and the fraud should be met and amended. The investigator also is expected to use the current methods of digital forensic due to rapid growth in the technology, meaning advanced methods should apply. Determining evidence locations After investigation, the investigator will provide the evidence locations. This means that the investigator will determine where the location at which the fraud has occurred, then go to those places and find out what might have happened. Different locations will contain different kinds of frauds; this will lead to different kinds of locations. (Dawson, 2015) Each evidence will also contain different measure of resolving it. Digital forensic differ from one country to another and the measure taken to deal with such frauds is still different. The evidence depending on the location   will also   entail different kind of data which will call for a specific way of investigating it. The location also will contain different kind of population which will mean that that population has a certain way of dealing with the forensic frauds. Determining and confirming techniques to find and interpret significant data In this method, the investigator is required to validate techniques to find and interpret significant data. There are so many techniques used to determine find data and consequently interpret the same data. Some techniques used are, histogram, random number generation, descriptive statistics and many others. When the data has been found, then it is interpreted using different methods. The forensic data will differ from one fraud to another and also from one location to the next.   The collected data which is well analyzed will give the best result. Summarize and provide explanation of conclusions After doing all what is required, the data summarized and the conclusion is provided. The investigator of the fraud makes the explanation and it should be correct without any mistake to avoid wrong conclusion. Depending on the nature of the fraud, the explanation given should provide a clear answer of what might have gone wrong. (Gladyshev, 2015) The data must be given correctly for the future reference if need be. As per the client, the explanation can be taken to the court of law alongside the sampled data as the evidence. The importance of using forensic tools to collect and analyze evidence. Many organizations have adopted forensic tools and have achieved many things. Forensic tools have collected protected and analyzed digital evidence and applied it where applicable. Can be in legal matters, disciplinary matters or even in employment tribunals. The forensic tools have been useful in the following circumstances; It has been useful in disputed transactions in an organization. Widely used in allegations pertaing to employee misconduct Used to show legal and regulatory compliance Widely used in a court of law to assist in law enforcement investigations Supporting insurance claims when a loss occurs in an organization. It is a tool to meet disclosure requirement in civil claims. Hashing in the context of digital forensics Hash values are used in cases of the electronic evidence.   Mostly used in the examination of process of computer forensics. The hash values are used to make sure that the original copy is not altered. During the process, an image is made of the original.   (Bossler, 2014) The original hard drive will be taken as a hash value also. The examination is done before the hash value is taken. In the case where the values are the same the copy is treated as the original while where the values are different, then the copy is put in a question. As the examination is concluded, a third value s commonly taken. The three hash values which include, original hard drive, imaged hard drive before the examination and imaged hard drive after the examination, must match. Again the hash values can be used in the court of law to validate evidences In another circumstances hash value can be used in discovery process. The discovery process where the hash value has been mostly applied is in court of law. How do you ensure that the evidence collected has not been tampered with (i.e., after collection)? Avoid contamination of the data- the specimen /data collected should be original and not contaminated with other materials. (DeFranco, 2014) Handle appropriately-make sure that the data collected is packed, stored and ferried correctly. Label accurately-the evidence collected should be labeled correctly to avoid confusion such that even if there can be any claim, it can be clearly produced. Ensure total security- the evidence which has been collected should be secure and tamper proof Maintain continuity-handling of the evidence should be recorded, also when the evidence pass from one person to another should also be recorded, this maintenance will ensure that the evidence is purely maintained. Why and how is this important to prove in a court of law? The collected data as per the explanation above is original. It can be proven in the court of law because there will be a full evidence that the evidence was well maintained. References Bossler, A. M. (2014). Cybercrime and digital forensics : an introduction. New York: Routledge. Britz, M. (2013 ). Computer forensics and cyber crime : an introduction . Boston: Pearson. Britz, M. (2010). Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime. Berlin: Springe. Dawson, M. (2015). New threats and countermeasures in digital crime and cyber terrorism . Hershey: An Imprint of IGI Globa. DeFranco, J. F. ( 2014). What every engineer should know about cyber security and digital forensics. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Gladyshev, P. (2015). Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime . Heidelberg: Springer. Janczewski, L. (2010). Cyber warfare and cyber terrorism. Hershey: Information Science Reference.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Students Observations on Three Consumer Electronics Websites :: Sell Websites Buy Web Sites

A Student's Observations on Three Consumer Electronics Websites In today’s world of technology, electronics have become an essential part of our lives. With the advances in technology and communication systems, the sizes of integrated circuits or chips decrease every year, which in turn make the electronics smaller, more reliable and more powerful. In addition, due to the economic crisis, customers’ demands are becoming more crucial. They prefer cheaper products with better functions which consume less power. Therefore, it is useful to evaluate those websites in the market that will lead us to a better idea of how to choose better and cheaper products. The evaluation of these websites will be based on user friendliness, the organization and layout of the websites, contents, and how effective the site is at conveying the information it is trying to present. The three websites that I will be evaluating are www.cnet.com, www.buy.com and www.amazon.com First of all, cnet.com is evaluated. Most consumers are concerned with the duration it takes to load the website. The consumer will be frustrated if the website takes a long time to load. Although cnet.com is loaded with pictures, information and links on the webpage, the loading of the webpage is instantaneous. Furthermore, cnet.com is a very informative and user friendly website. The main page of cnet.com provides information on new products release and many safety precautions while using electronic equipments. The content of cnet.com is large; the consumers are able to find many electronic products, such as notebooks, desktops, television, digital cameras, peripherals, handheld and home videos on cnet.com. In addition, this website also provides customer reviews, specifications and the manufacturer of a certain electronic product. For example, if you are buying digital cameras products, you can simply click on the digital camera link and you will be directed to an option page. In this option page, the consumer will then choose the desired price range, the manufacturers and the resolution. After choosing a particular manufacturer, you will be forwarded to a page where the website will compare the price of the chosen digital cameras with other digital cameras of the same functionality and requirements. The best price will be highlighted. Customer reviews about a certain product and its manufacturer are provided. Therefore, the consumer will not need to worry about the reliability of a certain product of an unknown manufacturer.

Discrimination Against The Elderly :: essays research papers fc

Discrimination against the Elderly American society has been described as maintaining a stereotypic and often negative perception of older adults. This negative and/or stereotypic perception of aging and aged individuals is apparent in such areas as language, media, and humor. For example, such commonly used phrases as over the hill and an old fart denote old age as a period of impotency and incompetence. The term used to describe this stereotypic and often negative bias against older adults is ageism. Ageism can be defined as "any attitude, action, or institutional structure, which subordinates a person or group because of age or any assignment of roles in society purely on the basis of age"(Webster 25). As an ism, ageism reflects a prejudice in society against older adults. The victims of bigotry and prejudice are generally referred to as minorities. This is not because they are necessarily fewer in number, but because they are deprived of the rights and privileges of the majority (the Aged 4). Ageism, however, is different from other isms (sexism, racism etc.), for primarily two reasons. First, age classification is not static. An individual's age classification changes as one progresses through life. Therefore, age classification is characterized by continual change, while the other classification systems traditionally used by society such as race and gender remain constant. From this we can conclude that denial of old age is a principal source of bigotry against those who are old now (the Aged 4). Second, no one is exempt from at some point achieving the status of old. Unless they die at an early age, they will experience ageism. The later is an important distinction as ageism can affect an individual on two levels. First, the individual may be ageist with respect to others. That is they may stereotype other people on the basis of age. Second, the individual may be ageist with respect to self so ageist attitudes may affect the self-concept. â€Å"We live in a culture that reveres youth. To be young is to be alive, sexy, and full of energy. To be old is to be "senile," "worthless," and having "one foot in the grave"†(Online 1). This is the attitude most often seen in modern society. In general there are at least nine known major stereotypes that reflect prejudice towards senior citizens. These include illness, impotency, ugliness, mental decline, mental illness, uselessness, isolation, poverty and depression(Ageism 20).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sleep Disorders Essay -- essays research papers

4) SLEEP DISORDERS, SYMPTOMS, KNOWN CAUSES AND TREATMENTS. Sleep is something that every person needs. Without sleep a normal days task seem never ending. Your body suffers and you suffer even people who come in contact with you suffer too. Without sleep you can function normally. Your moods change changing your personality, changing how you perceive the world. The average adult needs eight hours of sound sleep each night. However most adults get between five and six hours, " (Encarta 1998).This one or two hours that is lost each night can have an affect on our health and our lives. "The single element that ties sleep disorders together is that they disrupt in one or more parts of out sleep cycle."(Zimbardo pg.98) The three types of sleep disorders are: insomnia, narcolepsy and sleep apnea. These disorders make a night's sleep sometimes hard and mostly uncomfortable. " Insomnia is a disorder that involves insufficient sleep." (Zimbardo pg. 98) Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. Insomnia occurs on a regular basis." Its symptoms are chronic inability to fall asleep quickly, frequent arousals during sleep or early morning awakenings."(Zimbardo pg.98) Insomnia can be caused by stress or constant worrying, medical problems or mental disorders. The lack of sleep can cause depression and heart disease. In most cases adults suffer from insomnia....

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Critique on What Lips My Lips Have Kissed

Edna St. Vincent Millay’s What Lips My Lips Have Kissed, is an imagistic regression into the mind of a desensitized woman.   It grazes the mystic ideals held within intimacy and sexual intercourse, while also maintaining an underlying awareness of the author’s bisexuality.Though, the relationship stigmas she touches on still apply to human love affairs today, this poem can only be seen as revolutionary for its time period and the feminist movement.   In this essay I intend to show how this poem, among many of Millay’s other works, have attained cult status, due to their close correlation with her life.When Millay states What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why, I have forgotten, she is obviously referring to her past lovers (MIllay).   The ideal that gives more value to this statement is knowing that these lovers include men, women and highly acclaimed laureates.   She goes on to use very symbolic imagery to signify the presence of these lost lov ers.Terms like, ghosts, birds, and of course lips, are used to identify their presence throughout the poem.   Millay likens herself to a tree, whose birds have vanished one by one (Millay).   This human connection to nature adds to the poems intrigue and its mysticism.   The entire purpose of her sullen regression is summed up at the end of the poem when she says,These last three stanzas sum up the main premise of the poem and also resemble the feelings of a woman who has been desensitized to intimacy.   This is a very revolutionary position for a woman to be in during the 1930’s to 50’s considering that the cultural expectations of the American women were very strict.Men feared that women would become unruly and sex crazed if they experienced sexual intercourse with more than one partner.   Millay’s promiscuous nature and her edgy perspective definitely go against the grain of what society expected.   This rebellious nature in the poem can be direct ly correlated to experiences in Millay’s real life as a bisexual.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Death Penalty Is an Outdated Form of Punishment

The Death Penalty is an Outdated Form of Punishment The protective authority is becoming cleverer to stopping crimes and is still increasing for the past years. With the punishment of the death penalty crimes have not been decreasing. In fact the crime in the United States are 5 times more than Australia and Britain. The death penalty is an outdated form of punishment and should be abolished because it is cruel and unusual. With the death penalty enacted criminals have been killed for their crimes but cost 4 times more than have them as life in prison without parole.Some cases have happened where the â€Å"criminal† has been executed and soon with DNA was declared innocent. Life in prison also guarantees no future crimes, some religions go against the death penalty. Some people state that killing is wrong, and it breaks the international human rights which is the right to life. In society it is not practiced as much, the trail is not a fair manner. Some criminals that are conv icted with murder don’t have good lawyers to protect them from the penalty. The death penalty promotes a normal solution to penalties. http://www. antideathpenalty. org/) The death penalty cost much more than life in prison without parole because in the Constitution it requires a long judicial processes to make sure that the criminal is not being charged with execution when they never committed the crime. Even with the precautions like these they can still execute an innocent person without the right evidence. With the cost of the death penalty if life in prison without parole would take the place of it, the cost would lower millions of dollars less.With those millions we could use to fix communities, hire about 500 more protective authorities to take care of the prisoners, provide medicine to the mentally ill criminals, and could also prevent crimes and save lives. (O’Malley) In California if they didn’t have the death penalty they would save about $1 billion d ollars over 5 years. In California taxpayers pay 90,000 more per death row than a prisoner in life. The ACLU has found there is a hidden death penalty tax in California additional to the one that is already been paid. (www. deathpenalty. rg) With people being convicted with crimes they have not committed in some cases the judge has sentence them to the death row. With the many trails and appeals they have to face they are still shown guilty even though they didn’t commit it. With in the United States since 1973, 140 have been executed and later was proven innocent. In 1981, a man named Earl Charles was convicted for murder, he spent the past three years trying to prove his innocence when he was in line for execution, after he was executed and later he was found innocent.Now they talk about him being the huge error. This shows that the court made a mistake and now could never redo or bring him back to life. That’s why we should replace the death penalty with life in pri son because you can take them out for the crime if declared innocent. (Meehan) â€Å"We simply cannot say we live in a country that offers equal justice to all Americans when racial disparities plague the system by which our society imposes the ultimate punishment. †Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   – Senator Russ Feingold, 2003 (www. deathpenalty. org).This means that in United States the constitution says we will not have any discrimination but there is always discrimination in certain ways that they don’t notice. This complaint that people state is true because they have executed some whites to cover up the discrimination against blacks. Also the most prisoners executed almost 99 percent of them are men. Part of another discrimination is that some victims that they killed their lives are more important than other victims so they sentence the â€Å"more important† victims killers to the death row.Studies have discovered that in crimes that if a black person kills a white are about 40 times more likely to be sentenced to death than if he killed a black. (Meehan) Some cases the death row sentence are applied in wrong ways such that when the criminal is sentence to the death penalty when they committed a less horrendous crime than one who did a much worst crime. An example is two men were charged with killing and one of them was sentence to death and the second man was freed, and stated that he didn’t mean for the other man to take the blame is just came out that way.Later after the man was executed the freed man was given 7 years and 8 months in prison for kill the San Francisco mayor and another city official. This show that the court is unjust because they both committed the same crime but one was killed and another one was given about 8 years in prison for the same crime. (Meehan) In some religions scripts it say that execution is ok to do but now those same religions are opposed to the death penalty in the United States and view it as immoral.Some religions that are opposed to the death penalty are Christian, Buddhist, Catholic, Jewish, and Interfaith. (deathpenalty. org) In the second week of September in 2012 an Ohio inmate was freed because of a Catholic organization who found evidence to set him free. (Keyes) In the Christian Religion some enforce the thought that Cain was the first murderer in the world and was not executed because he had something special, which was populate the earth.A pastor wrote a book and stated that Christ would oppose the killing of a human as a punishment for a crime. He also stated that it breaks against one of the Ten Commandments. This shows a strong command that the death penalty is wrong and should not be used. (Meehan) Internationally many countries have abolished the death penalty just during the 21st century about 30 countries have abolished the death penalty for all crimes, why, because they viewed as the death penalty as going against the international human rights which is the right to life. deathpenalty. org) In South Sudan human rights have backed up the campaign against the death penalty in the country saying that this punishment is â€Å" outrageous and inhumane† that goes against the right to life. The South Sudan society of the South Sudan Human Rights Society for Advocacy (SSHURA) are stating that â€Å"the death penalty should be scrapped off the books of South Sudan† – Executive Director of the SSHURA and that they are in full support of societies that are against it.Currently about 150 countries of the United Nations have abolished the death penalty and are in the processes of helping other countries who haven’t abolished it. (Uma) The death penalty can bring suffering to the victims family, they support other punishments instead of the death penalty for various reasons. The death penalty brings traumatizing long term effects that make the families suffer and reopen the event over again unlike life without paro le it brings punishment to the criminal but it doesn’t affect the family as much and will forget.Some families argue that millions are spent to the death penalty each year that if it is replaced with life without parole the money could be spent to violence preventions and solve unsolved cases. They also state that the death penalty focuses on legal consequences and not on human consequences and focuses on the crime and the accused instead of the feelings of the victims family, the accused families and very importantly the community. Life without parole punishes the criminal instead of putting them out in public or the news.With death penalty still enacted in the United States for victims families there are many organizations that help them become situated with the decision and also help reform the death penalty. Such as Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights which is an international non-governmental organizations of victims family members of criminal murder, terror ist attacks, state executions, assassinations and disappearances helping to abolish the death penalty with a human rights perspective. (deathpenalty. org) One of the most important things a person convicted of any crime is a lawyer.When a person who has had a mass murder determining that if they should get the death penalty is based on how good and clever is his or her representation. Some criminals can’t afford a lawyer so they are given one but those attorneys ether don’t have experience, are under paid, or sometimes overworked which can bring them to losing their lives because of the attorney. Some appointed attorneys come to court without any evidence to get them out or don’t pay attention and lose the case. (deathpenalty. org) People for the death penalty have stated that with the death penalty crimes have been decreasing.The crime has been decreasing because our protective authority are coming up with more technology to stop crimes but not because of the d eath penalty crimes have decreased. It is proven that the United States crime is 6 times more than England and 5 times more than Australia. Some states have larger crime rates than others. In the year 2003 state murder increased and went higher than the national murder rate. (antideathpenalty. org) The murder wouldn’t think that committing the murder they would get caught and if they do they would think about the consequences they would get if they do. Sarokin) There have been various debates on the controversial topic of the death penalty. Such as execution cost more than life in prison, innocent people may be wrongly executed and can not reverse what has been done, crimes have not decreased since the death penalty was legal, life in prison also guarantees no future crimes, it goes against many religions, killing is wrong, some convicted can’t afford an attorney so they are appointed the worst ones, it violated the international human rights laws known as the right to life, and race comes into play while they are tired.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

India a Global Economic Super Power Essay

New parts of the world that were not long ago considered undeveloped, backwater countries, are now taking center stage in the global economy. Much has been publicized about the ascendance of China’s economy, as it has become a major venue for the manufacturing of products sought after by worldwide consumers eager for cheaper goods. However, China’s Asian neighbor, India, also has a vigorously growing economy. India’s economy is partly being fueled by companies around the world seeking to reduce their costs by outsourcing some of their operations there. A March 9, 2005 article in the International Herald Tribune reported that within 30 years, India is projected to have the world’s third largest economy and more people than China. Russell D’Souza, International Credit & Risk Manager for Hallmark International, pointed out that India implemented modern, capitalistic economic reforms in the early 1990s that are producing positive results. The Tribune article reported that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who as Finance Minister championed these reforms, proposed major investments in his first budget for education, modernizing India’s colonial-era infrastructure, and lowering tariffs. D’Souza also noted India has modernized its banking regulations. â€Å"India has liberalized its laws to allow foreign banks to take over branches. Local Indian private banks are allowed to set up foreign bank branches. The banking rules have been liberalized considerably. † The CIA World Factbook’s website estimates that by July 2005, India’s population will be slightly fewer than 1. 1 billion, of nearly 16 percent of the world’s population, not far behind China’s, which is projected to be 1. 3 billion. Market Place PRI, a business radio program, reported on March 14, 2005 that a recent economic survey predicted India would grow at 7 percent this year. However, the report went on to assert that many economic analysts say that India needs to improve its infrastructure. D’Souza, who grew up in India but now lives in the U. S, experienced the problems India has with the Lagging state of much of its infrastructure. † You’ve got an infrastructure that is woeful. It’s one of India’s biggest Achilles heels. It’s worse than China’s. † Just the sheer size of its growing middle class provides a huge potential market for India-based companies. D’Souza said the size of India’s middle class is over 200 million people. â€Å"Consumer goods are exploding in India. There are people with cash like I’ve never seen before. † India’s geopolitical importance and stature are growing too. U. S. foreign policy officials view India, with its strategic location, as an important counter-balance to the growing political and military power of China. U. S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice began a six-nation tour of Asia in India on March 16. An article that same day in the Tribune noted that analysts in Delhi viewed her stop there as a positive sign â€Å"the United States was eager to underline India’s increasing importance on the U. S. foreign policy agenda. † Talks between Rice and Singh focused on defense and military cooperation, economy and trade and â€Å"synergies in energy and environmental protection. India possesses some advantages that make it especially suited to provide less expensive business services for companies. China, on the other hand, has excelled in the manufacture of cheaper products. The two main advantages for India is that it has an estimated 200 million people who speak English and also a world-class education system. â€Å"India is a bilingual country,† D’Souza said. He noted this is a byproduct of its former status as a British colony. â€Å"It has an advantage over C hina,† he said, in that respect. The educational system in India has produced a significant number of chartered accountants, doctors, MBAs, lawyers, research analysts and other professionals, many of whom will work in India for much less than their professional counterparts in the U. S. and Europe. Alok Aggarwal, Co-founder of Evalueserve, which offers business intelligence, market research and intellectual property services to clients in North America, Europe and Asia, noted there are two types of services offered on an outsourced basis. Business Process Outsourcing, or BPO, involves more routine processing of data. Ravi Aron, Professor of operations and information management at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, said examples of BPO involve more routine functions where there is a predefined way of doing tasks or even reaching conclusions, as in data entry, accounts maintenance and customer service activities such as those performed at call centers. BPOs typically provide such services as setting up bank accounts, selling an insurance policy and voice and e-mail-based computer support. Aggarwal said that a higher Level of service than BPO is called Knowledge Process Outsourcing or KPO. KPO involves high-end processes such as investment research and Legal and insurance claims processing. In a March 21, 2005 article in the Indiatimes News Network, Pavan Bagai, Vice President, strategic businesses, EXL said, â€Å"Imagine unsorted data going through a black box and coming out as useful information. In KPOs the black box is your mind. There is no predefined process to reach a conclusion. † In either BPO or KPO, India often offers a huge cost savings potential over those functions being performed by American workers in the U. S.  Aron said that in credit card-related functions, the cost of an American worker, including benefits and overhead, ranges from $48-55 per hour–while in India, those costs are only $18-24. A report by Hay Associates estimated that the fully burdened costs of an accounting clerk in Stamford, CT, is $69 per hour, while in Bangalore, India it is $4 per hour. (Though Alok disputes that number saying that â€Å"currently the loaded costs in Bangalore would be $7-$8 per hour† the cost differential is still staggering. ) French & Associates reported that a $50,000 U.  S. clerical worker would cost only $10,000 in India and would be a top graduate. This huge gap in employee direct and indirect costs is even more dramatic with KPO services. â€Å"When you go with high-end work that’s when the game gets interesting,† Aron said. He said employee costs per hour for an equity research analyst in the U. S. would range from $230-$250 while in India it would only be about $30. † Should you find it suitable to relocate, (to one of the countries that offers much cheaper employee costs) you will experience huge savings,† Aron said. If you look al the labor cost difference there is a 5-1 to 8-1 cost factor,† added Aggarwal, whose firm actually provides equity research and investment banking research services. â€Å"American doctors are very hard working–but they don’t work five times harder than Indian doctors. † The March 21 Indiatimes Network article reported that India, with its knowledge base and lower costs, will be â€Å"leading the pack in the race for KPO business. † The article referred to a report by Evalueserve that India will capture more than â€Å"70 percent of the KPO territory by 2010. India’s software trade body reported that export revenues from software outsourcing will reach $17. 3 billion in the fiscal year ending March 2005. In a presentation by Marc Vollenweider, President and CEO of Evalueserve, it was projected that by 2010 India will have about 1. 1 million people employed in BPO. According to Vollenweider, U. S. companies may be compelled to outsource due to his projection of a labor shortage. According to his figures, by fiscal year 2010, the U. S. is projected to experience a shortfall of 5. 4 million workers. In that same timespan, the U. K’s shortfall is projected to be . million workers. Vollenweider’s presentation concluded that, â€Å"Global Sourcing has become an economic imperative for the developed nations to maintain and sustain their historical and current growth. Offshoring IT and BPO services to low-wage destinations provides a viable solution to developed nations who are struggling against the significant shortage of skilled labor. â€Å"Evalueserve projects that by 2010 India will have 820,000 employed in low-end BPO services generating total revenues of USD 18 billion and 250,000 workers employed in high-end KPO services generating USD 12 billion. A number of major U.  S. -based corporations have set up operations in India or have outsourced certain business services to Indian firms. A report by French & Associates indicated India has become a venue for major development centers for IBM and Microsoft. Major corporations like Ford, JP Morgan Chase and HP are currently setting up operations there. General Electric, however, probably has utilized the manpower resources of India more extensively than any other major American Corporation. GE’s involvement in India began in September 1989, according to a front-page, March 23, 2005, The Wall Street Journal article. Al that time, then-CEO Jack Welch flew to India for a sales meeting to sell products to India. During that stop in India, Welch met with Indian government officials who pitched him the idea of having some of his company’s needs provided by its emerging high-tech sector. Today, The WSJ article pointed out, India â€Å"earns more than $17 billion from corporations worldwide seeking low-cost overseas talent †¦ † Although GE is hesitant about taking credit for a trend that has taken many American jobs overseas, most corporate observers agree GE played a major role in the outsourcing boom. The WSJ article further noted that in 1995, GE created GE Capital International Services, now known as Gecis, to handle backroom work and market analysis. In 1999 Gecis established the first international call center in India and in 2000 GE opened a research center in Bangalore to tap the skills of Indian engineers. The WSJ article reported that in November 2004, GE sold a controlling interest in Gecis and now the company will seek business from other companies. French & Associates estimated that GE had 5,000 FTEs (full-time equivalents) in India in 2000. That number grew to 12,000 FTEs by the end of 2003. The WSJ article also reported that in 2000, GE opened the Jack F. Welch Technology Center in Bangalore â€Å"that employs thousands of researchers working on everything from new refrigerators to jet engines. † A recent GE report indicated the company plans to spend about $600 million this year on computer-software development from Indian companies. Val Venable, CCE, Credit Manager for GE Advanced Materials, in reference to GE’s outsourcing efforts in India, said, â€Å"We certainly have been a major player. For our company and a lot of companies, you’re always looking for quality suppliers at low cost. It makes business sense to do it. † Venable, who spoke in India in late March during a five-week business trip there, said that her operations are split between the U. S. and India. â€Å"Part of my collections team sits in the U. S. and some of it is in India. † She said that employee allocation between that in the U. S. and India is proportional to the workload. â€Å"If I have 70 percent of my people in India, I look to have 70 percent of my work there. My people in the U. S. have a lot more credit experience, so they do a lot of the credit decisions. † In Venable’s case, even though GE does not wholly own Gecis anymore, it has not changed her operations. â€Å"My relationship with my team has not changed. We work together and we have sub-teams. For our credit and collections teams we didn’t see a difference. My people from the India and the U. S. have been trained the same. † The cost savings of operations in India aren’t just confined to personnel expenses Venable said. â€Å"It’s not just the cost of the people. Over here I have different IT costs and I have different training costs. † She acknowledged that many Indian employees are well educated and enthusiastic about their work. â€Å"There’s a huge emphasis on education here. It’s their first experience in business. † On the issue that some Americans have complained about not being able to understand customer services representatives in India, Venable said, â€Å"Some of my team have fairly strong accents, but have you ever called Texas of Mississippi? They have accents too. We usually work on that. That’s part of the service to the customers. An unavoidable drawback Venable mentioned of outsourced services emanating from India to American consumers is, â€Å"If you’re going to have a team in India, there’s a time zone difference. † She said the time zone difference between India and the U. S. is 9. 5 hours and 4. 5 hours between India and the U. K. She san the time zone difference actually has not been a major problem for her operations. â€Å"The areas around the call centers are becoming a 24-hour culture. Probably in the next 20 years we’re going to have virtual offices and it won’t matter where people sit. Does everybody need to sit in the same room? Probably not. †

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Hul and Nirma Company Full Year of Comparison Essay

The success of Nirma’s umbrella branding strategy has led to a change in the competition’s marketing strategies, as well. Many of Nirma’s competitors are now consolidating their brand portfolio and consequently gaining more bang for their advertising rupee. In a changing market environment, the company has relaunched Nirma Yellow Washing Powder and Nirma Beauty Soap, two of its strongest brands. Nirma Yellow Powder is being re-launched with improved formulation and new advertising. This is an extension of the original ad which will return after the launch is over. Nirma Beauty Soap is being re-launched with a new shape, fragrance and a smarter, brighter pack to improve shelf visibility. Promotion Nirma’s success is synonymous with its advertising and marketing strategy. When Karsanbhai Patel started selling his detergent powder, he decided to call it Nirma, derived from the name of his daughter Nirupama. In the early years, the Nirma packet featured a lady washing a garment. Later, however, the design was changed and an image of his daughter was featured on the pack. The white dancing girl, featured in Nirma’s television advertising, is perhaps the most enduring image of Nirma. Though Ms. Patel passed away in a car accident, she continues to live on in the corporate logo and the best selling brands of the company. Nirma’s advertising has always focused on the value-for-money angle. Its simple and catchy jingle – Dudh si safedi Nirma se aye, rangin kapda bhi khil khil jaye – has continued to echo in the drawing rooms of middle-class Indian homes through the decades. While the jingle stresses on the product, it also salutes the savvy and budget-conscious Indian housewife. The jingle, which was first aired on radio in 1975, was broadcast on television in 1982. It is one of the longest running jingles and the spot has seen very few changes since the time it was first aired. For the re-launch of Nirma, the company has developed new spots but they are variations of the old favourite. Once the re-launch is complete, the company plans to go back to the original advertisement. Nirma’s promotion strategy, too, has many firsts to its credit. The company pioneered product sponsorship through the electronic media. Besides, the company has developed a unique advertising strategy – new products are launched with no advertising support. Once the distribution glitches are sorted out and the product reaches the shelves of retailers, the company begins to advertise it. The umbrella branding strategy helps to give new products instant recall without increasing the advertising expense.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Contingency Planning Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Contingency Planning Outline - Essay Example The next step is to outline the components of the plan; risk areas (McIntosh, 2007). In response to this, this paper will identify all the possible responses to the risks involved. These responses would also consider external and internal issues associated with them. It will also look at the human and financial resources needed and the problems with obtaining them. This paper will identify the issues that would hinder the accommodation of one or both of the conventions at the same time. The aim is to have both conventions but possibly at a different time. If, however, this is not possible, the aim would change to accommodate only one convention without losing the other customer for future conventions. External issues are all those problems that have nothing to do with the resort itself, but with everything else outside of it. These are all the peripheral issues that could hinder the resort in accommodating both the conventions on the same day. Internal issues, on the other hand, are problem areas within the resort. These are issues that would get in the way of the accommodation of both or one of the major conventions and so will need to be considered. Contingency planning means to plan for risks so that it can be known how to deal with them beforehand, in case they occur. It is important because it allows people to see the various ways in which a risk can be dealt with. Each response would consider external and internal issues and the human and financial resources required. Possible responses or a contingency plan for the risks identified include: Reschedule other insignificant, smaller appointments that are taking up extra and more than necessary meeting space. The external issues to consider would be the significance and profitability of the smaller party involved. If this insignificant appointment can lose an important, valuable customer for the resort, this option will

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Plato The simile of the cave Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Plato The simile of the cave - Essay Example At the time of its composition, scholars struggled to explain human psychology and the workings of the human mind. A tag of war between empirical psychologists and those that believed in reason led to numerous debates and this composition aims at addressing the situation at hand. The allegory is part of a series of publications, collectively titled The Republic, which address various aspects of human behaviour including; morality and justice. In previous and subsequent publications, the author uses the same style of presentation to explain human behaviour, and his view on various issues affecting human beings. At the time of publishing The Republic, Plato doubled up as a renowned philosopher and mathematician among the Greeks. Plato drew inspiration from other established scholars such as Pythagoras and through his numerous travels to Egypt, Syria, Libya, and Sicily. The main themes in the simile are ignorance and humans, as depicted by the enslaved characters and their understanding of things. The following analysis of the work by Plato aims to explain the analogies purported in the simile, the plot and the elements of literature used by the author. The analysis will go over the plot of the simile to uncover the intended message from the hidden nature in which the author delivers it. The allegory begins with a group of prisoners chained at their hands and necks. They cannot change the direction in which they are facing and are forced to constantly stare at a wall. Behind the prisoners is an elevated wall, and a pathway constructed in such a way that the prisoners cannot see people using the path, but can see shadows of what they are carrying cast upon the wall they are facing. Further behind the pathway is an elevated fire, blazing at a distance such that shadows of the prisoners, as well as elevated goods carried by passers-by, are cast upon the wall in front of the prisoners. The narrative

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Innovation - Essay Example So Change is a process of transition from one stage to another and organization have to move forward and manage change, otherwise they will go backward as at is said in management there is no standstill. The following illustration is very simply explaining the process of change transition stages. Change Management is the process of moving from the current state to the vision of the future and involves a degree of transition. Organizations today focus on the factors that may lead them to the innovative techniques and can bring a change into the society. Change Change is defined as the process of transforming or entering from one stage to another. Changes may be positive or negative depending upon the circumstances and conditions that are leading for any change whether in any condition, change requires a lot of efforts either to bring it or to accept it. Changes with respect to External and Internal Factors If we looked at what has happened in terms of massive challenges and changes at the globe, it revolved around some very important areas. Examples are: Political Challenges / Changes: The Israeli / Arab Conflict, Iraq and Afghanistan War†¦ etc. All of these conflicts have not been resolved and in fact getting more complicated by the emerging of the Political revaluations in the Arab World e.g. Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦etc. ... E.g. laptops, mobiles, digital cameras and computers with more usage of Face book, twitter†¦..etc. Social Challenges / Changes: The world population growth is getting a problem and total number of world population has exceeded five (5) billions and growth rate in certain countries is around 3 to 4%. Such challenges requires government to find food, homes, jobs, better health systems and protection to fight deceases as these deceases are effecting people and business from time to time and the recent one was the H1N1. E.g. all airlines and hotels we found them to be empty as people don’t want to work with others. So a better protected life is required to all human round the globe. Culture Challenges / Changes: This is a very serious challenge and I believe the most serious enemy to Innovation is having a culture that has not support innovations at all levels and types of innovative areas; According to Peter Drucher – The most innovative area may well have been manage ment itself – with "Outsourcing" and "Downsizing" economic value analysis and reengineering sweeping the Management World. He added: the next decade will require even more innovation, and especially from business and business executives. For, surely he said the next decade will be a decade of changes. Therefore, I will emphasis more in the couple few pages on the culture looking into it from business prospective, so that will be able to critically evaluate the claim that any organization can learn to be innovative. Organization culture is frequently perceived as a fuzzy, soft, elusive area that is difficult to define and has an unknown impact on organizations results.