
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Do We Have Souls? :: essays research papers

Do We Have Souls?On the question of Do we take away souls and Can they survive later death,this writer testament attempt a wakeless explanation and defense of my views to thisphilosophical question. After careful explanation of my avouch views , thoughts,and careful examination of the selected significants for this paper I have come tothis coating unlike the problem of free lead, the question of human beingshaving souls and their survival after the physical body is deceased, is not aneasily argued topic. The problem of free will as an example can be more(prenominal)rationally discussed and analyzed through tactile means such as patterned andlearned behavior and its like, further in dealing with the question of souls and inaccepting their existence, it is an intangible occasion which cannot be proved ordisproved at least as long as the physical body is existing. This writerbelieve that a discussion , no matter how seemingly rational or even irrationalis rigorously specula tion and can have no real physical confirmation of that existence. Ofthe read philosophers on this topic, all are speculatory in their attempt toprove, disprove, or even clarify their position of the topic in question. Thiswriter will first contribute his own speculation and proceed to explore theselected philosophers material on this subject. Though it first must be saidthat to the highest degree of the read material is or seems to be question-begging and thereforeleads only to more questions from myself.The question of having souls and their existence after the physical body isdeceased has ever so been on mens minds. From the first beginnings of writtenhistory from the Ancient tightly fitting Eastern civilizations Egyptians, Mesopotamian ,men people have always regarded the afterlife and the question of souls. Itwas not given much philosophical thought until the ancient Greek sophists, inthe decline of their city-states that this topic was explored, but not onlyexplored but st arted to hoard acceptance among the people. Again, only whenphysical life was becoming less cherished delinquent to the decline and unhappinesswith their earthly surroundings. Though the Hebrew people intercommunicate and thought ofan afterlife for their spirit, it was really not until widespread Christianitycame about, and again this was at the time of decline of the Roman Empire. Myinitial point being that the nous of souls and their existence seemed to growstronger at times of great depression or strife much like when people pray toGod when they only imply something. It was then that faith and hope for a better

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