
Thursday, April 4, 2019

The motivation theories used by management

The pauperization theories used by managementThis chapter provides a brief compend of motive, types of need, major motivation theories and leadership theories on change magnitude employee motivation. Lastly this chapter identifies the impact of employee motivation on the productivity of the company.2.2 needThe level of practiseance of employees relies not only on their actual skills but also on the level of motivation each person exhibits (Burney et al., 2007). Motivation is an inner drive or an outside inducing to be take up in some particular way, typically a way that forget lead to repays (Dessler,1978). Over-achieving, expert employees are the driving force of all firms so it is essential that transcriptions strive to spark off and hold on to the best employees (Harrington, 2003).The triumph of any business depends largely on the motivation of the employees.Every person has their proclaim found of motivations and personal incentives to action embarrassing or no t as the case may be. virtually are actuate by recognition while others are motivated by cash incentives. Motivation bum be internal or external. Deadlines are an example of external motivation. The fear of losing a edit or of not finishing a job you started is an example of internal motivation. Both internal and external motivation can be equally powerful.Financial Motivation is m integrityy, incentives, bonus, commission, fame and recognition which are External and fiscal benefits or Non-Financial Motivators like pride, backbone of transaction, responsibility, imprint, challenge and interesting job, Respect which are Internal. Perhaps the nigh(prenominal) authoritative impact of sum upd employee motivation is that of increased productivity. This is a central aim when adopting an incentive program. If you can increase employee motivation, productivity will follow and with that the inevitable increased bottom line.Table 1 Four most powerful types of motivationType of Mo tivationDescriptionIntrinsic motivationSatisfaction in the work itself (pleasure, stimulation, learning etc)Extrinsic motivationRewards for doing the work (money, promotion, perks etc)Personal motivationIndividual value (a love of knowledge, power, security, self-expression etc) social motivationThe influence of other people (competition, collaboration, commitments etc)Human beings are multifaceted creatures, and we are typically motivated by a liquifyture of all four elements. This diagram can help make sense of this complexityThe types of motivation combine to produce four key areas to focus on when trying to motivate people.For example, prior to taking a work, employee will most likely to have a minimum prognostication in terms of pay and opportunities for career progress (personal rewards). You will also want to be trustworthy that it offers you an opportunity to use your skills, learn and stretch yourself in pursuit of a meaningful challenge (personal satisfaction). prospec t are you will also want to be inclined due recognition for your involvement (public recognition). And given how long you are going to spend in the group of your co-workers, you will probably want them to be interesting and enjoyable company (social interaction). Combining diametric forms of motivation will have the biggest impact on performance. Taking a more balanced approach to motivation will also help you farm better relationships with everyone on your team.How to Motivate People During a RecessionDeci and Ryan (2000) conducted and replicated an experiment that showed the negative impact of fiscal rewards on intrinsic motivation and performance. A group of college students were asked to work on an interesting puzzle. Some were gainful and some were not paid for the work. The students that were not being paid worked longer on the puzzle and rig it more interesting than the students being paid. When the study was brought into a workplace batchting, employees felt that thei r behavior was being controlled in a dehumanizing and alienating direction by the rewards. It was discovered that rewards would seriously decrease an employees motivation to ever perform the task being rewarded, or one similar to it, any time in the future.Another note of the study was that employees would gestate a reward every time the task was to be completed if the reward was offered at one time. Employees would require the reward in drift to perform the job and would probably expect the reward to increase in amount. If the rewards were not increased or if they were taken away they actually served as negative advantage.2.2 Major Theories of MotivationMotivation is not only in a single program line i.e. downwards. In the present scenario, where the workforce is more informed, more aware, more educated and goal oriented, the role of motivation has left the boundaries of the hierarchy of management. The number below shows the major theories of motivation that can be applied i n the working environment as well on the employees to see the impact of motivation on the organization as a whole.Fig shows Major theories of Motivation2.2.1 Need ApproachesMaslows hierarchy of NeedsFig Shows Maslows Hierarchy of NeedsIf motivation is driven by the existence of unsatisfied require, then it is worthwhile for a passenger vehicle to understand which necessarily are the more important for private employees.http//www.netmba.com/mgmt/ob/motivation/maslow/By applying Maslows surmise of motivation, modern leaders and managers find way of employee motivation for the purpose of employee and workforce management. The basis of Maslows theory of motivation is that human beings are motivated by unsatisfied needs, and that certain humble needs need to be satisfied before higher needs can be addressed. As per the teachings of Abraham Maslow, there are frequent needs (physiological, safety, love, and esteem) which have to be fulfilled before a person is able to act unselfis hly. These needs were dubbed deficiency needs. While a person is motivated to fulfill these basal desires, they continue to move toward growth, and ultimately self-actualization.http//www.abraham-maslow.com/m_motivation/Hierarchy_of_Needs.aspAs a result, for adequate workplacemotivation, it is important thatleadership understands which needs are active for individual employee motivation. In this regard, Abraham Maslows model indicates that basic, low-level needs such as physiological requirements and safety essential be satisfied before higher-level needs such as self-fulfillment are pursued. As depicted in this hierarchical diagram, sometimes called Maslows Needs Pyramid or Maslows Needs Triangle, when a need is satisfied it no longer motivates and the next higher need takes its place.http//www.abraham-maslow.com/m_motivation/Hierarchy_of_Needs.aspTable 2 shows Maslows Hierarchy of NeedsNeeds drillBiological and Physiological needsAir, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, e tcSafety needsProtection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc.Belongingness and Love needs field group, family, affection, relationships, etc.Esteem needsSelf-esteem, accomplishment, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etcSelf-Actualization needsRealizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and charge experiences. antecedent http//www.businessballs.com/maslow.htmAlderfers ERG hypothesisFig Clayton Alderfers ERG Theory NeedsSourcehttp//www.envisionsoftware.com/es_img/Alderfer_ERG_Theory.gifIf the ERG theory holds, then unlike with Maslows theory, managers must recognize that an employee has multiple needs to satisfy simultaneously. Furthermore, if growth opportunities are not provided to employees, they may regress to tie inness needs. If the manager is able to recognize this note, then steps can be taken to concentrate on relatedness needs until the subordinate is able to pursue growth a gain.http//www.netmba.com/mgmt/ob/motivation/erg/Herzbergs Two Factor TheoryFig Hygiene and Motivation FactorsSourcehttp//www.biomedcentral.com/content/figures/1472-6920-9-49-1.jpgThe psychologist Fredrick Herzberg asked the questions from employees in the year 1950s and 60s for understanding employee satisfaction. He set out to determine the effect of attitude on motivation, by asking people to describe the dear(p) deal where they felt really good, and really bad, close to their jobs. What he found was that people who felt good about their jobs gave very different responses from the people who felt bad. Herzbergs findings revealed that certain characteristics of a job are consistently related to job satisfaction, while different factors are associated with job dissatisfaction shown in Fig?The conclusion he displace is that job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are not opposites.The opposite of Satisfaction is No Satisfaction.The opposite of Dissatisfaction is No Dissatisfact ionTo apply Herzbergs theory, managers need to adopt a two stage process to motivate people. Firstly, managers need lapse the dissatisfactions the employees are experiencing and, secondly, managers need to help them find satisfaction.http//www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMM_74.htmMcClellands Learned Needs TheoryOne of McClellands most well known theories is that human motivation is dominated by trine needs. McClellands theory, sometimes referred to as the three need theory or as the learned needs theory, categorizes the needs as followsThe need for achievementThe need for powerThe need for affiliationThe importance of each of these needs will vary from one person to another. If the manager can determine the importance of each of these needs to an individual, it will help the managers to conclude how to influence that individual.McClelland asserted that a persons needs are influenced by their cultural background and life experiences. He also asserted that the majority of these needs can be classified as the needs for affiliation, achievement or power. A persons motivation and effectiveness can be increased through an environment, which provides them with their ideal mix of each of the three needs.http//www.learnmanagement2.com/DavidMcClelland.htm2.2.2 Cognitive ApproachExpectancy TheoryThe expectancy theory says that individuals have different sets of goals and can be motivated if they have certain expectation. Individuals choose behaviors based on the outcomes they expect and the values they ascribe to those expected outcomes (Borders 2004). Vrooms Expectancy theory is based upon the following three variables which he calls Valence, Expectancy and orchestration valances (Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Riston Scott-Ladd 2006).Valence refers to the value an individual personally places on the reward or upon the expected outcome of a situation. The Valence is high if the reward available is of interest to us. When you have a higher valence you run to have high er motivation (Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Riston Scott-Ladd 2006).Expectancy is the belief that your efforts will result in attainment of the desire performance. This belief is generally based on an individuals past experience, self confidence. Expectancy would be zero if an individual felt it were impossible to achieve a given performance level (Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Riston Scott-Ladd 2006).Instrumentality is the belief that the success of the situation is linked to the expected outcome of the situation, e.g. its gone really well, so Id expect praise. It is also the belief that if one meets the performance expectations, he or she will receive a greater reward. This reward may come in the form of a pay increase, promotion, recognition or sense of accomplishment. (Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Riston Scott-Ladd 2006)Equity Theory/ Social Comparison TheorySource http//www.businessballs.com/adamsequitytheory.htmAccording to Equity theory the employees perceive what they get from a job sit uation (outcomes) in relation to what they put into it (inputs) and then compare their inputs-outcomes ratio with the inputs-outcomes ratios of relevant others (Shown in Fig). If an employee perceives her ratio to be equal to those of relevant others, a state of equity exists. In other words, she perceives that her situation is fair-that justice prevails. However, if the ratio is unequal, inequity exists and she views herself as under rewarded or over rewarded.Source http//www.businessballs.com/adamsequitytheory.htmGoal put Theory of MotivationGoal-setting theory focuses on identifying the types of goals that are most effective in producing high levels of motivation and performance and explaining why goals have these effects. Goal-setting theory is found within the field of organizational behavior however, it can be applied to any general area where goals may be achieved. http//www.ehow.com/about_5382265_goalsetting-theory-motivation.htmlSource http//faculty.washington.edu/janegf/g oalsetting.htmlIn order to direct ourselves we set ourselves goals that areClear (not vague) and understandable, so we know what to do and what not to do.Challenging, so we will be stimulated and not be bored.Achievable, so we are unlikely to fail.If other people set us goals without our involvement, then we are much less likely to be motivated to work hard at it than if we feel we have set or directed the goal ourselves.http//changingminds.org/explanations/theories/goals.htm2.2.3 REINFORCEMENT THEORY advantage theory of motivation overlooks the internal state of individual, i.e., the inner feelings and drives of individuals are ignored by Skinner. This theory focuses tout ensemble on what happens to an individual when he takes some action. External environment of the organization must be designed effectively and peremptoryly so as to motivate the employee. This theory is a strong tool for analyzing haughty mechanism for individuals behaviour. http//www.managementstudyguide.com/r einforcement-theory-motivation.htmTable 3 Reinforcement scheduleApplyWithholdRewardpositive reinforcement (raise above baseline)negative reinforcement (raise up to baseline)Stressorpunishment (bring down below baseline)extinction (stay at baseline)Source http//motivationcentre.blogspot.com/2006/03/reinforcement-theory.htmlTable 4 Types of ReinforcementTypes of ReinforcementDescriptionPositive reinforcementThis implies giving a positive response when an individual shows positive and required behavior. Ex. You make a sale, you get a commission. You do a good job you get a bonus a promotion.Negative reinforcementThis implies rewarding an employee by removing negative / inapplicable consequences. Both positive and negative reinforcement can be used for increasing desirable / required behaviour.ExtinctionIt implies absence of reinforcements. In other words, extinction implies lowering the probability of unwanted behaviour by removing reward for that kind of behaviour. For instance if an employee no longer receives praise and admiration for his good work, he may feel that his behaviour is generating no fruitful consequence. Extinction may unintentionally lower desirable behaviourPunishmentIt implies removing positive consequences so as to lower the probability of repeating unenviable behaviour in future. In other words, punishment means applying undesirable consequence for showing undesirable behaviour. For instance Suspending an employee for breaking the organizational rules.Source http//www.managementstudyguide.com/reinforcement-theory-motivation.htm2.3 lead Style Influencing MotivationLeadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people (Kurt Lewin,1939). Leadership Style influences the level of motivation of employees. Different Leaders have different style for managing the employees working under them. Fig explains the style of leadership influencing the motivation of employees.Fig Leadership Style Vs motivationSource http//www.motivation-tools.com/workplace/leadership_styles.htm

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